

Some of my biggest projects:

Alvar Antson website

The same website you're on right now!
Behind the scenes I have an built-in web-scraper for scraping daily stats on my releases and managing statistical analytics on them!


Emart Auto website

Similar to the Fixus Lasnamae website.
Multi-lang frontend, different background applications for importing other Storage facilities products, manageing workers, worker income statistics, managing schedules, etc..


Fixus Lasnamae website

Similar to the Emart Auto website.
Multi-lang frontend, different background applications for importing other Storage facilities products, manageing workers, worker income statistics, managing schedules, etc..



Used items web-scraper.
It scrapes all of the biggest Estonian used items marketplaces & returns them all to a real-time filterable one page view.

Visit GIT

Estonian news

A data science - school project.
The idea was to scrape all of the news outlet articles & analyse them to bring out biggest buzzwords, wordpairs, etc..
3-man team, I handled the scraping mostly.

Visit GIT


The official website for my band - Parabol.
Started as a fun project testing out Shopify functionality, ended up as a website for the band.



Helped to finish the project
The project itself is built on wordpress, my role was to alter the template & bring in product categorisation.
Also did some work on the style itself like product preview templates, browsing, etc..


Lurichi maadlusklubi

Lurichi maadlusklubi is a wrestling site for a Tartu wrestling club called "Lurichi maadlusklubi". The site uses Bootstrap4, Jquery and is run on Django + nginx.


FeelingStream speaker app

My first assignment whilest working in FeelingStream. I created a transcription viewing public demo with an interactive React audio player. The site runs on Django + React!


Kausta ja Arhiivi

A simple wordpress informative site for Kausta ja Arhiivi OÜ. Created for giving out information about the services provided by the firm!


For further info:
Or my CV